Introduction to the Buildroot embedded Linux build system
Buildroot is a popular tool to build customized and lightweight embedded Linux systems. By automating the complete process of cross-compilation, it provides an easy and efficient way to build from the source code your toolchain, Linux kernel, bootloader and root filesystem images, using the 2500+ existing packages. Used by large companies such as GoPro or Tesla, it provides an interesting alternative to the popular Yocto/OpenEmbedded build systems.
This session will allow participants to set up a basic Buildroot system for the PocketBeagle platform: configuring Buildroot, doing a first build, flashing the system, and discovering how to improve the configuration with additional software components.
Thomas Petazzoni is CTO and embedded Linux developer at Bootlin. He is a co-maintainer of the Buildroot project and also a contributor to the Linux kernel, helping adding support for Marvell ARM processors.