Jan 21-25, 2019
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, Christchurch 2019
Important Note
These sessions are open first to people who have purchased the ALE Floral Bonnet board in order to do the in seminar labs. Furthermore, there limited room in the classroom, so arrive early for each session to make sure you have a seat. Preference given to those who have the Floral bonnet for their raspberrypi zero boards.
List of Topics and Speakers (3 days)
Day | Time | Instructor | Seminar |
Mon | 10:40am-12:20pm | Behan Webster | Floral Bonnet Walkthrough |
Mon | 1:30pm-3:10pm | Marek Vasut | Introduction to the U-Boot bootloader |
Mon | 3:50pm-5:30pm | Tom King | Introduction to Bluetooth |
Tue | 10:40am-12:20pm | Behan Webster | Introduction to GPIOs and libgpio |
Tue | 1:30pm-3:10pm | Tom King | Introduction to SPI and SPIdev |
Tue | 3:50pm-5:30pm | Grant Likely | Introduction to I2C and I2Cdev |
Wed | 10:40am-12:20pm | John Hawley | IoT and the Cloud |
Wed | 1:30pm-3:10pm | Terri Oda | The Security of IoT |
All attendees of E-ALE must abide by the Code of Conduct of LCA.
E-ALE will be presented at LCA in the Jack Erskine building in room 133 at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
What Hardware is used in these classes?

We will be using the Raspberry-pi Zero WH.
We will be doing our hands-on labs with the Raspberry Pi Zero WH; please bring one if you have one. However for E-ALE LCA 2019 you will have to purchase a Floral Bonnet to participate in the lab portion of the seminars so that you have access to the appropriate sensors and devices to write the drivers.

the Floral Bonnet will be the sensor package we will be using.
You can buy a FLoral Bonnet at LCA in the E-ALE room in Jack Erskine 133 on the day at the conference for a price of $20 NZD. ARM has kindly sponsored the E-ALE HW (which has brought the price down from the original $40/unit). Thank you ARM!

ARM has subsidized the cost of the floral bonnet, so we can sell them at a much cheaper price of $20/unit.
The Floral Bonnet has the following capabilities:
- CP2102 Serial over USB console
- SPI SSD1306 128x64 OLED screen
- I2C BME208 Pressure Temperature Sensor
- I2C TSL2561 Light Sensor
- GPIO Push button
- GPIO/PWM connected tricolor LED
What do I need to know beforehand? What do I bring to class?
What am I expected to know beforehand?
We make assumptions about attendees existing skills in the E-ALE seminars:
- You are comfortable using a command line interface
- You can program and know C
- You have some level of Linux userspace experience
These are not courses on "How to use Linux"
What should I bring to class?
Attendees can elect to use the computers which are in the classroom we will be using at University of Canterbury. However attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptop with the following requirements if they have one:
- A minimum of a recent i5 processor
- 8GB of RAM
- Your plugin power supply (we will be compiling a lot)
- At least 100GB of free disk space
- Run "./ EALE"
If your laptop doesn’t run Linux...
... please make sure you have a virtual machine program hypervisor available in order to install a Linux VM (for instance Virtual Box, or VMWare).
Get your computer ready for E-ALE seminars
We have a script which will set up your computer for E-ALE. Please run it before you come to the seminars.
- wget
- chmod 755
- ./ EALE
You can find all the slides and code on the Course Materials site, or in github.
Our Supporters
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