E-ALE Instructors
Most of our Instructors have taught at many conferences!

Alan Ott
Director of Platform Software, SoftIron
Alan started programming when he was four years old on his dad’s Commodore 64 and began using Linux in the mid-90s while in high school. He currently works for SoftIron, a Silicon Valley startup making the world’s finest appliances for the data center. Alan is the creator and maintainer of M-Stack, a free and open source USB device stack for PIC microcontrollers, and HIDAPI, a cross-platform host-side USB HID library; and is a contributor to the Linux kernel in the areas of USB and 802.15.4. He has presented at Microchip MASTERs, at Embedded Linux Conference in the US and Europe, and as an instructor for the Linux Foundation.

Behan Webster
Linux Foundation Instructor, Converse in Code Inc.
Behan Webster is a Computer Engineer who has spent more than two decades in diverse tech industries such as telecom, datacom, optical, wireless, automotive, medical, defence, and the game industry writing code for a range of hardware from the very small to the very large. Throughout his career, his work has always involved Linux most often in the areas of kernel level programming, drivers, embedded software, board bring-ups, software architecture, and build systems. He has been involved in a number of Open Source projects including being an early contributor to Debian Linux. Currently, Behan is the lead consultant and founder of Converse in Code Inc, an embedded Linux engineer, Yocto Project Ambassador and former project lead working on the LLVMLinux project as well as being a Trainer for the Linux Foundation. He has previously spoken at various Linux Conferences: Collab/OSLS, ELC, ELCE, OSSNA, Linux.conf.au, SCaLE, FOSDEM, Linaro Connect, LLVMdev. He is under the delusion he can fix most things with a “tiny little script”.

Bradley Kuhn
Distinguished Technologist, Software Freedom Conservancy
Bradley M. Kuhn is the Distinguished Technologist at Software Freedom Conservancy and is editor-in-chief of copyleft.org. As Free Software Foundation (FSF)’s Executive Director from 2001–2005, Kuhn led FSF’s GPL enforcement, launched its Associate Member program, and invented the Affero GPL. Kuhn was appointed President of Software Freedom Conservancy in 2006, was its primary volunteer from 2006–2010, and has been a full-time staffer since 2011. Kuhn holds a summa cum laude B.S. in Computer Science from Loyola University in Maryland, and an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Cincinnati. Kuhn has a blog, is on pump.io and co-hosts the audcast, Free as in Freedom.

Chris Simmonds
Consultant, 2net Ltd
Chris Simmonds is a software consultant and trainer living in southern England. He has almost two decades of experience in designing and building open-source embedded systems. He is the founder and chief consultant at 2net Ltd, which provides professional training and mentoring services in embedded Linux, Linux device drivers, and Android platform development. He has trained engineers at many of the biggest companies in the embedded world. He is the author of the book “Mastering Embedded Linux Programming”, and is a frequent presenter at open source and embedded conferences, including the Embedded Linux Conference and Embedded World. You can see some of his work on the “Inner Penguin” blog at www.2net.co.uk

Elizabeth Flanagan
CTO and co-founder, Togán Labs
Beth ‘pidge’ Flanagan is the CTO and co-founder of Togán Labs Ltd. She is an OpenEmbedded developer, and has spent the past 25 years in various technical and management roles focusing on Open Source Software, embedded devices and software licensing.

Grant Likely
Senior Technical Director SW Engineering, Arm
Grant Likely is a Linux kernel engineer working for Arm, Ltd. He is perhaps best know for his work on the Devicetree subsystem used by many embedded Linux systems, and for representing kernel developers on the
Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board. At Arm, Grant works on software architecture in the Central Engineering Open Source Software group.
Occasionally he picks up a soldering iron and pretends to be a hardware engineer.

Jason Kridner
Technologist/Evangelist, BeagleBoard.org
Jason Kridner is a software architecture manager for embedded processors at Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). A 25-year veteran of TI, Kridner is also a founder of the BeagleBoard.org Foundation, maintainer of open-source development tools such as BeagleBoard, -xM, -X15, BeagleBone, Black, Blue, and the new ultra-tiny and ultra-low-cost PocketBeagle. Kridner participates in numerous coding and open-source mentoring/education efforts, including serving as an administrator for BeagleBoard.org’s participation in Google Summer of Code. Kridner’s passion-first approach has inspired many in the Maker community to build hardware and software in a fully collaborative environment.

John Bonesio
Trainer, The Linux Foundation
John Bonesio has over 25 years in software development. He has worked in systems level programming from large servers to small embedded real-time devices. John’s experience in the Linux kernel includes working on file systems, raid sets, network drivers, startup code for ARM and PowerPc including device tree support, and DMA drivers. John is an international trainer for the Linux Foundation since 2011. He also has other endeavors which include being an author and a radio show host. John stays grounded by not running with scissors, not dropping his phone in the toilet, and not petting cats backward.

John Hawley
Open Source Developer, VMware
John ‘Warthog9’ Hawley led the system administration team on kernel.org for nearly a decade, leading a team including four other administrators. His other exploits include working on Syslinux, OpenSSI, a caching Gitweb, and patches to bind to enable GeoDNS. He’s the author of PXE Knife, a set of interfaces around common utilities and diagnostics tools needed by an average systems administrator, as well as SyncDiff(erent) a state-full file synchronizer and file transfer mechanism. He currently works for VMware working on upstream Open Source Software. In his free time he enjoys cooking extravagant meals and watching bad movies.

John Ogness
Software Engineer, Linutronix GmbH
John Ogness studied Computer Science at Utah State University (USA) and has been professionally involved with Linux since 2001. He has been working for the company Linutronix GmbH since 2008. There he specializes in Linux-based board support packages, real-time applications, and training. He is also maintainer of the Minicoredumper project. In the past, he developed software for security applications and autonomous robots.

Marek Vasut
U-Boot USB/SoCFPGA/PXA custodian, Linux kernel contributor, OE contributor. FPGA hobbyist, Self Employed
I have been a contractor for multiple companies for many years. My primary responsibility is designing and implementing customer-specific functionality. One important aspect of my work is leveraging the benefits of working inside the mainline Linux, U-Boot and OE / Yocto Project, explaining our customers the benefits of pushing the newly produced code back into mainline and effectively doing the contributions. I am therefore heavily involved with both mainline U-Boot and Linux kernel, be it my role as R-Car, SoC-FPGA or USB maintainer for U-Boot, MTD co-maintainer in Linux or others. My speaking experience includes giving talks at ELCE, LinuxCon Japan, EmbeddedWorld and various smaller events across Europe.

Marta Rybczynska
Marta Rybczynska has network security background and 15 years of experience in embedded development. She has been working with embedded operating systems like Linux and various real-time ones, system libraries and frameworks up to user interfaces. Her specialties are architecture-specific parts of the Linux kernel.
In the past, Marta has served as Vice-President and treasurer for KDE e.V.
She is currently working at Kalray on datacenter projects. Apart from that she is involved in various Open Source project. She is also contributing kernel-related guests articles for LWN.net.
In addition to the technical work, she is a public speaking trainer and has a leading role (currently Division Director for the South of France) in the Toastmasters organization.
She has experience with presentations on both scientific and free software conferences, including LinuxCon, Akademy and FOSDEM.

Matt Porter
CTO, Konsulko Group
Matt Porter is the CTO of Konsulko Group. At Konsulko, he works on design and development of software for the Linux kernel and other FOSS projects. Interests include hacking on uC and Linux community boards and contributing to various parts of the kernel.

Michael Opdenacker
Founder, Bootlin
Michael Opdenacker is the founder of Bootlin, an engineering company specializing on cool embedded Linux integration and porting projects. Through Bootlin, he has contributed to the LWD (Linux World Domination) project by training hundreds of engineers from all around the world on embedded Linux and its kernel. By the way, all training materials and conference presentations from Bootlin are freely available on http://bootlin.com/docs/

Michael Welling
Founder, QWERTY Embedded Design
Michael is an embedded design engineer with over 10 years of experience. He owns an electronic design consulting firm, QWERTY Embedded Design, LLC. He has an MS in Electrical Engineering, was an instructor at SIUC and is a 12-year member of IEEE. He is also a mentor for Beagleboard.org Google Summer of Code.

Mike Anderson
Director of Technology, The PTR Group
Mike Anderson is currently CTO and Chief Scientist for The PTR Group, Inc. With over 35 years in the embedded and real-time computing industry, Mike works with a number of RTOS, Linux and Android-based devices in applications ranging from satellites and robotics to SCADA platforms. However, his focus over the past few years has been the use of Linux and Android in embedded sensor applications and the deployment of the Internet of Things.

Stephanie Lockwood-Childs
President / Embedded Linux consultant, VCT Labs, Inc.
Stephanie is co-founder and President of VCT Labs, an Engineering Services company composed largely of long-time Linux enthusiasts. Her own enthusiasm for Linux has led to over 15 years of embedded Linux consulting, including most recently, work on infrared cameras and medical devices. Stephanie has also been involved in the free software community in a variety of roles over the years: LUG president, member of the Gentoo powerpc team, and GSoC mentor for Beaglebone.org to name a few. So far she has a perfect record of attending
every SCaLE conference held thus far, and is looking forward to participating in the embedded track again this year.

Stephano Cetola
TitleEmbedded Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
Stephano Cetola is a Software Engineer at Intel where he contributes to the Yocto Project and TianoCore. His main focus over the past 2 years has been enabling product teams using Yocto to increase their effectiveness while giving back to the Yocto community. Before joining Intel, Stephano worked on a small team of engineers bringing a suite of embedded display modules to market. Throughout his career, he has used his unconventional background and training to create unique if occasionally over-engineered solutions. In his spare time, he enjoys breaking and sometimes building electronics.

Terri Oda
Security Researcher,
Terri has a PhD in horribleness, assuming we can all agree that web security is kind of horrible. She stopped working on skynet (err, automated program repair and AI) before robots from the future came to kill her and got a job in open source, which at least sounds safer. Now, she gets paid to break things and tell people they’re wrong, and maybe help fix things so that people won’t agree so readily with the first sentence of this bio in the future. She doesn’t get paid for her work on GNU Mailman nor running Google Summer of Code for the Python Software Foundation, but she does those things too.

Thomas Petazzoni
CTO, Bootlin
Thomas Petazzoni is CTO and embedded Linux developer at Bootlin. He is a co-maintainer of the Buildroot project and also a contributor to the Linux kernel, helping adding support for Marvell ARM processors.

Tim Orling
Embedded Developer, Intel Corporation and the OpenEmbedded Project
Tim Orling is a software engineer at the Intel Open Source Technology Center. Tim joined Intel in early 2016 and currently works on the Real Time Linux team, after many years as a volunteer developer for OpenEmbedded and the Yocto Project. He has been an open source software and embedded hardware enthusiast for many years. He taught in a university setting for more than 5 years and has given many technical talks at conferences, including ELC and Yocto Project Developer Day.

Tom King
Linux Foundation Instructor, Self-employed
40yrs working in Embedded, 14yrs working with Embedded Linux Build Systems (buildroot and OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project). Instructor for Linux Foundation. Specializes in embedded system for Broadcast Applications.

Trevor Woerner
Senior Software Engineer, Togán Labs
Trevor started programming sometime in the mid-1980s on the family’s Apple //e. He has been programming and working with Linux-based systems ever since he was introduced to them at university in the mid-1990s. Professionally he has worked extensively on embedded Linux systems, as well as various RTOSes and bare-metal systems.