Floral Bonnet Walkthrough
We will be doing a walkthrough of the Floral Bonnet; a bonnet for the raspberry-pi zero which was hastily created in time for LCA to have sensors, LEDs, and buttons to play with in this series of seminars.
We will be using the Raspberry-pi Zero WH.
We will be doing our hands-on labs with the Raspberry Pi Zero WH; please bring one if you have one. However for E-ALE LCA 2019 you will have to purchase a Floral Bonnet to participate in the lab portion of the seminars so that you have access to the appropriate sensors and devices to write the drivers.
the Floral Bonnet will be the sensor package we will be using.
You can buy a FLoral Bonnet at LCA in the E-ALE room in Jack Erskine 133 on the day at the conference for a price of $20 NZD. ARM has kindly sponsored the E-ALE HW (which has brought the price down from the original $40/unit). Thank you ARM!
ARM has subsidized the cost of the floral bonnet, so we can sell them at a much cheaper price of $20/unit.
The Floral Bonnet has the following capabilities:
- CP2102 Serial over USB console
- SPI SSD1306 128x64 OLED screen
- I2C BME208 Pressure Temperature Sensor
- I2C TSL2561 Light Sensor
- GPIO Push button
- GPIO/PWM connected tricolor LED
Behan Webster
Linux Foundation Instructor, Converse in Code Inc.https://training.linuxfoundation.org/@behanw
Behan Webster is a Computer Engineer who has spent more than two decades in diverse tech industries such as telecom, datacom, optical, wireless, automotive, medical, defence, and the game industry writing code for a range of hardware from the very small to the very large. Throughout his career, his work has always involved Linux most often in the areas of kernel level programming, drivers, embedded software, board bring-ups, software architecture, and build systems. He has been involved in a number of Open Source projects including being an early contributor to Debian Linux. Currently, Behan is the lead consultant and founder of Converse in Code Inc, an embedded Linux engineer, Yocto Project Ambassador and former project lead working on the LLVMLinux project as well as being a Trainer for the Linux Foundation. He has previously spoken at various Linux Conferences: Collab/OSLS, ELC, ELCE, OSSNA, Linux.conf.au, SCaLE, FOSDEM, Linaro Connect, LLVMdev. He is under the delusion he can fix most things with a “tiny little script”.