PocketBeagle Walk Through
Friendly to novices and experts alike, the Beagle experience tracks mainline u-boot, Linux and Debian development, while augmenting it to enable development to start as quickly as possible. Attendees will get started interacting with the hardware via the command-line, shell scripts, Python and JavaScript. Attendees will be walked through the configuration details for the boot configuration, pin multiplexing, USB networking and other helper scripts they should get to know. Support and development processes within the BeagleBoard.org community will be covered. Exercises will pave the way for the other workshops to dive into their topic without needing to backtrack excessively on PocketBeagle-specific details.
Jason Kridner
Technologist/Evangelist, BeagleBoard.orghttp://beagleboard.org/@jadon
Jason Kridner is a software architecture manager for embedded processors at Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). A 25-year veteran of TI, Kridner is also a founder of the BeagleBoard.org Foundation, maintainer of open-source development tools such as BeagleBoard, -xM, -X15, BeagleBone, Black, Blue, and the new ultra-tiny and ultra-low-cost PocketBeagle. Kridner participates in numerous coding and open-source mentoring/education efforts, including serving as an administrator for BeagleBoard.org’s participation in Google Summer of Code. Kridner’s passion-first approach has inspired many in the Maker community to build hardware and software in a fully collaborative environment.